O capra i-a mancat actele unui politist! Cum a fost posibil | VIDEO

Un politist din SUA va avea de dat niste explicatii superiorilor dupa ce mai multe acte din masina sa au fost mancate de o capra.

Totul s-a petrecut in statul american Georgia, cand un politist a coborat din masina de serviciu pentru a lasa o instiintare unui localnic.

Politistul a lasat portiera masinii deschise, iar cand s-a intors a vazut in interior capra care ii manca documentele.

Acesta s-a chinuit momente bune sa scoata animalul incapatanat din masina, insa capra nu voia sa renunte sub nicio forma la documentele acestuia.

Here is a little Friday humor to help lighten the mood. * WARNING* Before watching the video please understand that there is some mild cursing and if you are easly offended please keep scrolling. To explain what you are about to see, the deputy went to a residence to serve some civil papers. The deputy explained that due to the number of houses she visits daily, she routinely leaves her vehicle's door open because she has had to reteat on a number of occasions from vicious dogs. Never once did she expect or even consider what was about to happen this day! Eventhough she was knocked to the ground she was not physically harmed in the incident. At the end of the day we all got a little laugh out of it and we hope you do as well!

Gepostet von Douglas County Sheriff's Office (Georgia) am Freitag, 4. September 2020

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